Coinstox Catch Lighting Is Next Shibainu With Big Plan for Growth

Coinstox is the next gem that is listed on LBank and XT crypto exchanges. Buy low before they catch fire like Shibainu or Dodgecoin. Coinstox just started its utility and no one knows about them yet. Get in before they become aware of the crypto world. Check out their telegram page And check out their offer of 400% return with their new stable which was just launched. As csx reaches its price target it will trigger a bonus that offers more returns all the way to $1. Ticker CSX$

You can try to win csx$ stable by trying your luck with the Coinstox lottery at

Platforms with over 25 project owners with their own cryptocurrency will start. The platform is finished and the listing will begin they will also offer DEX to trade your csx and csx$ with other project coins. The total supply is 1 billion with a market cap of $200,000 they are just starting. Daily volume is going up now to around 10,000 volume.

Ticker on LBank and is CSX

Website home page

So what are you waiting for take a look and do your research. CSX$ is the stable using Binance Smart Chain and CSX is on the ethereum Network. 

Csx$ bsc address LdMEkF4iqfgWqpuNteioHen4nVDbpfaFYD

Csx eth address



How to get CSX$?

There are different ways to get CS$

- Swap CSX to CSX$ directly on the Coinstox platform, (+Bonus!)

- Get CSX$ on the Coinstox DEX & P2P Exchange (Q4).

- Get a project successfully funded and paid out in CSX$.

How to sell CSX$?

Sell CSX$ on the Coinstox DEX & P2P Exchange (Q4).

What is the Swap Bonus?

It is a daily arbitrage opportunity that can be achieved by buying CSX on and selling it for CSX$ on the Coinstox platform. (

Where to use CSX$?

In the entire Coinstox Ecosystem and on external platforms.

How does CSX$ maintain its price at 1 USD per token?

CSX$ relies on a smart contract that uses seigniorage shares to maintain a stability of 1 USD.

Why does the amount of CSX$ change in my wallet?

The smart contract burns CSX$ when demand decreases and

the value drops below 1 USD and issues a new CSX$ when

demand increases and the value rises above 1 USD

Why does the amount of CSX$ change in my wallet?

The smart contract burns CSX$ when demand decreases and

the value drops below 1 USD and issues a new CSX$ when

demand increases and the value rises above 1 USD

Does the Swap to CSX$ affect the price of CSX?

Yes, in a positive way. By exchanging CSX to CSX$ on the Coinstox platform, the demand for CSX is increasing.

The swap is executed through a smart contract only and therefore does not have an adverse effect on the CSX value.

About Coinstox

"THE SOCIAL ECONOMY" Coinstox offers business owners and projects to raise funds for their business and project through their own cryptocurrency. 

Jack Evans

I became a crypto asset owner in 2014, when the industry was in its infancy. Before that, I was working in the classic US and European stock markets. Since then, I have gained extensive experience in both cryptocurrency investing and day trading. I am happy to share with readers my experience with crypto exchanges, DeFi and NFT instruments.

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