October 5, 2022

Near Teams With Google Cloud to Accelerate Web3 Startups

Near x Google

NEAR Protocol has announced a partnership with Google Cloud. They will provide technical support to developers and grantees from the NEAR blockchain. This will make it easier for professionals to create and scale Web3 and dApps projects.

"We are honored to partner with those who first started creating the Internet. This partnership will be the new chapter of the Internet. We will give NEAR developers the best opportunity to create quality projects" - NEAR Foundation CEO Marike Flaman commented on the news.

The NEAR network has more than 20 million accounts and 300,000 to 400,000 transactions daily. This number will grow in the future, as 800 projects are now being developed on blockchain.

Google Cloud will provide cloud infrastructure to the RPC node provider for the NEAR Web3 Pagoda startup platform. This will allow developers to deploy code faster and more securely. Pagoda offers proven templates and automatically created interfaces for dApps.

Jack Evans

About the author

I became a crypto asset owner in 2014, when the industry was in its infancy. Before that, I was working in the classic US and European stock markets. Since then, I have gained extensive experience in both cryptocurrency investing and day trading. I am happy to share with readers my experience with crypto exchanges, DeFi and NFT instruments. 

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